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Celebrating National Read A Book Day

We love tech at Molecule. We love to create it, show it, and read about it. Since we are human beings, we like to read about lots of other stuff.

We love tech at Molecule. We love to create it, show it, and read about it. But, because we are actual human beings, we read about lots of other stuff, too. One of the most recommended podcasts around our office is LeVar Burton Reads, in which LeVar reads you a short story – just like he used to do on Reading Rainbow.

Along those lines, September 6th is National Read A Book Day. Sometimes finding a good book to read can take quite a bit of searching, so we surveyed our team and came up with some suggestions in case you want to celebrate.

Here are our top picks:

Megan Farley

I feel like I should recommend something of substance, but I'm going with Caverns & Creatures because it made me cry from laughing so hard. Or Off To Be The Wizard....again, because it made me cry from laughing so hard — or Will Save The Galaxy For Food.

Sameer Soleja

Haroun and the Sea of Stories, by Salman Rushdie — it’s a magical book (imagine Alice in Wonderland, but with flying carpets). It’s a quick and inspirational read, and Rushdie’s language — English, but with a little Bombay lilt — reminds me of my mom.

Richard Reedstrom

The Outsider by Stephen King is one of the most enjoyable books I’ve read recently. It embodies everything I love about Stephen King, and the book gives a fulfilling end to the Mercedes Killer trilogy. I also just started 1984 by George Orwell. It's been years since I read it, and it's interesting to re-read from a different perspective.

Bala Raghavan

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It is a funny, geeky guide that answers the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything.

Syed Sohaib

Confessions of an Economic Hitman is not my favorite book, but I definitely recommend it. It's a very interesting take on global historical events and corruption.

Luke Kramer

Rhinoceros Success: the Secret to Charging Full Speed toward Every Opportunity. One of my favorite quotes from the book is, “we become the product of three things: the people we associate with, the books we read, and the media we listen to.”

Personally, my go-to is anything from The Dark Tower series. However, the latest book I read was The Nix by Nathan Hill. It kept my attention much like Freedom (Jonathan Franzen) did and with a similar tone. When I finished The Nix, I wished there was more to read.

We hope you find a book you like on National Read A Book Day - from this list, or anywhere you like to find a good read. I like several books from this list, "but you don't have to take my word for it."

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